Developed in 2007, Insight was created to help statewide early child care and education policymakers manage and facilitate the professional development of practitioners within their industry.
Today, Insight has evolved into a data system that includes: a full suite of professional development features, a robust and integrated learning management system, an integrated quality rating and improvement module, and much more.
New World won approval as sole source provider of the Insight data system to the State of Washington Department of Children, Youth, and Families.
New World completed the Insight Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) implementation for both Pennsylvania and South Carolina.
Pennsylvania contracts New World to implement the Insight Quality Rating and Improvement System to go live in 2021.
South Carolina selected New World to provide the full suite of software solutions. These included workforce professional development and learning management, which went live in November of 2019, and Quality Rating and Improvement, which will go live in early 2021. In addition, New World contracted to build the Insight Consumer Education module to facilitate resource and referral activities and a consumer education website beginning in early 2021.
ZERO TO THREE, a national provider of early childhood education and support resources, implemented the Insight platform. ZERO TO THREE used it to manage trainer certifications on curricula and provide online training through their Learning Centers and independent connections to the states using the Insight data system.
Upon implementing Insight for the State of Pennsylvania in 2018, New World began a close partnership with The Pennsylvania Keys to further enhance the Insight data system, which benefited all clients.
Michigan was the first to implement the Insight v7.0 platform. This platform continues to be enhanced for all clients with a mobile-first design methodology, taking advantage of the capabilities of HTML5, JavaScript, and the Bootstrap framework.
New World embarked on the further critical development of the Insight data system. It included site navigation to new features and implementing a user interface framework supporting the prolific use of mobile devices.
New World Now LLC hired Jill Soto as the Insight Client Consortium Coordinator. Jill had experience as the director of the Oklahoma Registry and President of the National Workforce Registry Alliance. She also had a reputation as a champion of the ongoing support and development of the Insight data system, the Insight client consortium, and the National Workforce Registry Alliance. She used that experience and reputation to help New World set an uncompromising standard for customer service.
New World Now LLC and The Registry, Inc. agreed on a structured buy-out of the integrated Registry and QRIS data system. It transferred full ownership of all Software and existing contracts to New World Now LLC. Thus, New World’s brand name, Insight, is born.
New World and The Registry, Inc. won the bid to provide the registry system to North Dakota Growing Futures. This implementation included developing a fully integrated online learning module.
At the same time as the Minnesota implementation, New World implemented the system for the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County, Florida. This implementation brought new features such as evidentiary documentation upload. Also, a significant development was a Scholarship Management Module to facilitate scholarship requests and approval workflow and accounting.
New World and The Registry, Inc. won an RFP bid to provide a comprehensive data system to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. In addition to upgrading the registry data system to the latest version, used by four other clients, the Minnesota contract included developing of several new registry features. These included an Individual Training Needs Assessment, Embedded Trainer and Training evaluations, and most significantly, an integrated Quality Rating and Improvement Data System (QRIS).
The City University of New York implemented the data system in early 2012, which added the ability to integrate workforce and provider data with external QRIS data systems. Further enhancements to the system were completed to facilitate quality rating and improvement activities for Wisconsin and Montana at this time.
The University of Oklahoma Center for Early Childhood Professional Development joined our consortium. They facilitated multiple significant enhancements, including implementing multiple membership types for teachers and directors and developing a new stipend management module.
The University of Montana Early Childhood Project (MTECP) implemented the system under a software as a service contract with New World Now LLC and The Registry, Inc. This implementation facilitated new features surrounding center and family provider and individual educator licensing. As the second client joined our Software as a service model, the idea of a registry consortium of clients began.
The system was further developed to provide training approval and technical assistance tracking features and implemented for The Registry, Inc. of Wisconsin. Wisconsin was the first client to implement the system under an ongoing support and maintenance contract with New World. Together, New World and The Registry, Inc. began offering the system under a Software as a Service contract.
The system, which later became Insight, was first developed as a stand-alone application in collaboration with The Registry, Inc. of Wisconsin and the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The system was originally designed to track workforce professional development and training activities. It was delivered to Minnesota DHS under a consulting contract. The client took responsibility for hosting and maintaining the delivered product.
New World Now LLC and The Registry, Inc. won a contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to build a new Early Child Care Professional Development Registry data system founded on best practices developed by the Wisconsin Early Childcare Professional Development Registry. New World hired Laura Middleton as a web application developer to complete the development of the registry system.
Dale Voss founded New World Now LLC as a software development consulting firm. New World’s mission was to design, build, and maintain mission-critical software applications for the web employing Microsoft .Net Framework and SQL Server Database technology.